MyLaffs Joke #2249

Three mice are sitting at a bar bullshitting about which one is the toughest, most hard-core, macho mouse.

The first mouse does a shot, slams the glass on the bar and says, "I set off mouse traps just for fun. I grab the cheese and when the bar comes down, I bench-press 50 or 60 reps before I take my loot home." He slams another shot.

The second mouse downs a shot and says, "That's nothin', bro. I eat those rodent-poison tablets like candy. I can chow a whole box of Poison without even farting." He slams a shot.

The third mouse downs a shot and walks away from the bar.

"Where ya going, ya wimp?" the other mice chuckle.

The third mouse shrugs. "I'm going home to fuck the cat."

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