MyLaffs Joke #2130

More Computer Definitions:

Fixed Word Length - Four letter word used by programmers in a state of confusion.
Hardware - Nuts, bolts, and circuit boards "left over" after the repairman has reassembled the CPU.
I/O Device - Note you sign for the bank in/order to get loan for new (old) car.
Library - An organized collection of obsolete material.
Low Order Position - The programmer's location in the chain of command.
Mainframe - Primary person who just got set up for the blame of the system crash.
Microsecond - Amount of time needed for a program to bomb.
Nanosecond - Measure of time on Mork's planet Ork.
Off-Line - Uncharitable remarks programmer makes to wife or husband upon being phoned at 9 p.m. to come in because system just crashed.
On-Line - Programmer trying to deal rationally on phone with management at 9 p.m.
Peripheral - Now you see it, now you don't...
Printout - A document to verify data you know is wrong anyway.
Programmer - Red eyed mumbling mammal, capable of communicating with inanimate objects.
Source file - One which was "appropriated" from one of the competitors.
Switch - When management changes its mind.

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