MyLaffs Joke #1363


Q: Did you hear about the lesbian who took Viagra?
A: She couldn't get her tongue back in her mouth for a week!
Q: What do you call a thick fingered lesbian?
A: Well hung.
Q: Why are lesbians fatter than straight women?
A: Because they're always eating out and don't do dick.
Q: What do lesbians need to get married?
A: A licker license.
Q: What do you call 25 lesbians stacked on top of one another?
A: A block of flaps.
Q: What do you call a lesbian dinosaur?
A: A Lickalotapuss!
Q: What do you call two lesbians paddling a canoe down the river?
A: Fur Traders!
Q: What did the lesbian vampire say to the other lesbian vampire?
A: I'll see you next month.

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