MyLaffs Joke #502

There's this dude with a 25" penis (down ladies!) but he's having a helluva time with it. It's terrible, women swoon, no-one will let him near them and he's generally miserable, despite his apparent good fortune.

After years of (unintended) celibacy he finally hears of a mystical forest in which there lives an old woman with magical powers. So off he goes on his quest.

After days of travel he finds the old woman and tells her of his problem. She tells him of a frog that lives under an old tree: "Now if you go to this frog and ask her to have sex with you, she will say 'No!' and your penis will shrink by 5 inches".

Impressed, but skeptical he sets off to find the frog. Sure enough, under the oldest tree in the forest, there sits a large green frog with bug-eyes....

"Froggy, froggy, please will you have sex with me?"

The frog hops over to him, looks him in the eye and says "No!"

Wham! (no George Michael jokes here please!) and his penis shrinks 5" down to 20"

Impressed but still concerned over it's length he decides to see if this is repeatable: "Froggy, froggy, please will you have sex with me?"

Again, the frog responds: "No!" and again, his penis shrivels back another 5".

Now he reckons he's starting to be in the proverbial ball game, but at 15" is still well above average, so he decides that he'll be more than happy with a generous 10" and once again utters: "Froggy, froggy, please will you have sex with me?"

The frog gives him an impatient glance and blurts out: "How many times must I tell you, No, No, No!"

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