MyLaffs Joke #418


Q: How do you circumcise a hillbilly?
A: Kick his sister in the jaw.
Q: What has 99 legs and 49 teeth?
A: The front row at a Willie Nelson concert.
Q: What does a 12 year old white trash girl say when she loses her virginity?
A: Get off me, Dad! You're crushing my cigarettes!
If a white trash woman divorces her husband,...
Is he still her brother?
A young white trash couple are having sex in a muddy corn field one evening. The fellow asks, "Honey, could you check to see if it's in you or if it's in the mud???"

She reaches down and checks.

"It's in the mud," she tells him.

"Well,... could you put it back in???"

She puts it back in and they continue having sex for a while before he asks again, "Honey, could you check to see if it's in you or if it's in the mud???"

She checks again and says, "It's still in me, big fella!!!"

"Ummm,... could you put it back in the mud, please???"

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