MyLaffs Joke #185


Q: What is the difference between a pregnant blonde and a light bulb?
A: You can unscrew a light bulb.

Q: What do blondes and beer bottles have in common?
A: They're both empty from the neck up.

Q: How do you know that a blonde has sent you a fax?
A: There's a stamp in the corner of the fax!

Q: Why won't pharmacists hire blondes as secretaries?
A: They keep on breaking those bottles in the typewriter!

Q: How do you get a blonde to laugh on Saturday?
A: Tell her a joke on Tuesday!

Q: What did a blonde get on her SAT test?
A: Nail Polish

Q: What do you call a smart blonde?
A: A Golden Retriever

Q: What do you call a blonde who lives in Alaska?
A: A Frosted Flake.

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